
آموزش لغات و جملات learn words and sentences
سلام Hello
حالت چطوره How are you
خوب Fine
مرسی Thanks
بله Yes
نه No
و And
شما You
از From
از ایران اهل ایران From Iran
کانادا Canada
من هستم I am
من اهل ایران هستم I am from Iran
من نیستم I'm not
شما هستید You are
شما اهل کانادا هستید You're from Canada
شما هستید Are you
هم نیز همچنین Too
من هم اهل ایران هستم I'm from Iran too
گفتگو conversation
w-How are you
m-I'm fine thanks
w-Are you from Iran
m-Yes I'm from Iran
And you are you from Iran too
w-No I'm not from Iran
I'm from Canada
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